We offer a variety of services
We offer a variety of services
" Professionals in Window Cleaning, Chandeliers, & More"
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Welcome to our website
Crystal Clear will help provide the best services for your cleaning needs. Are you having a party? or maybe family visiting? How about putting your house up for sale? But the most common is, just wanting to spruce up your house a bit, either way, we are here to help.
After using Crystal Clear Services, you will know why we are still in business for more than 20 years
We are proud to offer the following services to all of our customers.
If you are still dreaming of having clean shiny windows, Isn't it time for you to wake up and have clean shiny windows? CRYSTAL CLEAR HOME SERVICES INC is ready to help. Our window cleaning services cover a wide range of tasks to free up your time so you can concentrate on the important things in life - family, friends, career and hobbies and let us do all the work.
We offer competitive rates for all types of cleaning, including:
- Windows
- Skylights
- Chandeliers
- Outdoor Fixtures
- Mirrors
- Ceiling Fans
- Gutter Cleaning
- Window Screen Repair
- And more!
We only use cleaning products that are safe for children, pets,and plants.Our products are also Biodegradable, Water Soluble, and every member of our team is trained in cleaning techniques for efficient and sparkling results.
To request a FREE estimate, contact us today!
847-604-0204 Ask for Jay
847-902-6325 Ask for Marty
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